How to View Chart of Accounts in TallyPrime: 2 Simple Methods

There are two primary ways to view the Chart of Accounts in TallyPrime:

Method 1: Using the Gateway of Tally

1. Access the Gateway of Tally:

Click on the “Gateway of Tally” option in the main menu of TallyPrime. This might be displayed as an icon or a menu option depending on your specific TallyPrime configuration.

2. Navigate to Chart of Accounts:

From the Gateway of Tally, select the “Chart of Accounts” option.

3. Choose Master Type (Optional):

TallyPrime allows you to view different types of masters within the Chart of Accounts, including ledgers (accounts), stock items, stock groups, and more. By default, it usually displays Ledgers. You can select a specific master type from the available options if needed.

4. View Chart of Accounts:

The Chart of Accounts will be displayed, showcasing a hierarchical structure of your financial accounts. You can see groups and subgroups (if applicable) and the individual ledger accounts categorized within them.

Method 2: Using the Go To Feature

1. Press Alt + G:

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + G to open the “Go To” feature.

2. Select Chart of Accounts:

In the “Go To” window, type “Chart of Accounts” or select it from the list.

3. Choose Master Type (Optional):

Similar to the Gateway of Tally method, you can choose a specific master type to view within the Chart of Accounts here.

4. View Chart of Accounts:

The Chart of Accounts will be displayed, presenting the structure of your financial accounts.

Additional Tips:

1. Navigating the Chart of Accounts:

You can use the arrow keys or your mouse to navigate through the different groups, subgroups, and ledger accounts within the Chart of Accounts.

2. Drilling Down:

Double-clicking on a group or subgroup will expand it, revealing the accounts it contains. Double-clicking on a ledger account might open its detailed information screen.

3. Filtering (Optional):

Some versions of TallyPrime might offer filtering options within the Chart of Accounts to narrow down the displayed accounts based on specific criteria.

By following these methods and utilizing the navigation tips, you can effectively view and explore the Chart of Accounts in TallyPrime, gaining a clear understanding of your company’s financial account structure.


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