Alternate Units in TallyPrime: 5 Easy Steps + Example

TallyPrime offers the functionality of Alternate Units for stock items, allowing you to manage inventory and record transactions in units different from the primary unit of measurement.

This can be particularly beneficial when dealing with items that are bought, sold, or stored in different quantities.

Here’s a detailed explanation of using alternate units in TallyPrime transactions, including examples:

1. Enabling Alternate Units for a Stock Item:

1. Access Stock Item Creation/Edit:

  • Open the Gateway (usually Alt+F12).
  • Navigate to “Inventory Info” and select “Stock Items.”
  • Choose an existing stock item or create a new one.

2. Configure Alternate Units:

  • Press F12 (Configure) to access the configuration menu.
  • Ensure “Provide Units of Measure for Stock Items” is set to “Yes”.
  • In the “Alternate Units” section, enter the secondary unit of measurement for the item (e.g., “Box” for an item typically sold in “Pieces”).

3. Define Conversion Factor:

  • Specify the conversion factor between the primary unit and the alternate unit.
  • This defines how many units in the primary unit are equivalent to one unit in the alternate unit (e.g., 1 Box = 10 Pieces).

2. Recording a Transaction with Alternate Units:

There are two main scenarios for using alternate units in transactions:

Scenario 1: Purchase or Sale Invoice

1. Create a new Purchase Invoice or Sales Invoice voucher.
2. Select the stock item with alternate units enabled.
3. Enter the quantity of the item in the **alternate unit** field (e.g., enter the number of boxes).
4. TallyPrime will automatically convert the quantity to the primary unit based on the defined conversion factor and display it for reference (e.g., it will show the equivalent number of pieces).
5. Enter the rate per unit, which should be based on the alternate unit (e.g., price per box).
6. Save the voucher.

Scenario 2: Receipt Note or Delivery Note

1. Create a new Receipt Note or Delivery Note voucher.
2. Select the stock item with alternate units enabled.
3. Enter the quantity of the item received or delivered in the **alternate unit** field.
4. The conversion will happen automatically, displaying the equivalent quantity in the primary unit.
5. Save the voucher.

3. Example: Purchasing Laptops in Boxes

You purchase laptops that come in boxes of 5. The primary unit is “Pieces” and the alternate unit is “Box.”

1. Steps:

  1. Configure the “Laptops” stock item with “Box” as the alternate unit and a conversion factor of 5 (1 Box = 5 Pieces).
  2. Create a Purchase Invoice.
  3. Select “Laptops.”
  4. Enter the quantity as, for example, “10” in the “Box” field.
  5. TallyPrime will automatically convert this to 50 pieces (10 boxes * 5 pieces/box) and display it for reference.
  6. Enter the price per box (e.g., Rs. 5000 per box).
  7. Save the Purchase Invoice.

4. Benefits of Using Alternate Units in TallyPrime:

1. Flexibility in Transactions:

Allows recording transactions in units convenient for purchase, sale, or storage, even if they differ from the primary unit.

2. Improved Data Accuracy:

Automatic conversion between units minimizes errors during data entry.

3. Enhanced Reporting:

Reports can display both primary and alternate unit quantities for better understanding.

5. Additional Considerations while Using Alternate Units in TallyPrime:

  • Ensure accurate conversion factors are defined for each alternate unit to maintain data integrity.
  • Consider user training to ensure everyone understands how to work with alternate units in transactions.
  • You can access the stock summary report with the F12 key (Configure) to view stock levels in both primary and alternate units for a comprehensive inventory overview.

By effectively utilizing alternate units in TallyPrime, you can streamline your inventory management process, improve data accuracy, and gain better insights into your stock levels across different units of measurement.

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