How to Multi-Task in TallyPrime: 7 Easy & Different Ways

Here’s how to multitask effectively in TallyPrime:

1. Go To Feature:

  • Access any screen or report quickly using Alt+G (Go To).
  • Type a keyword or navigate through options using arrow keys or mouse.
  • Press Enter to open the desired screen.

2. Multiple Windows:

  • Open multiple screens simultaneously:
    • Ctrl+W to open a new TallyPrime window.
    • Ctrl+Tab to switch between windows.
    • Arrange windows side-by-side for comparison or reference.

3. Contextual Menus:

  • Right-click on fields or reports to access relevant options without navigating through menus.
  • Choose actions like viewing details, printing, exporting, or drilling down into data.

4. Shortcut Keys:

  • Memorize common shortcut keys to perform tasks faster without reaching for the mouse:
    • Ctrl+A to accept and save.
    • Ctrl+N to create a new voucher.
    • Ctrl+P to print.
    • Alt+R to reconcile.
    • And many more (refer to TallyPrime’s Help for a complete list).

5. Background Processing:

  • Perform tasks in the background while working on other things:
    • Print reports in the background while continuing to work.
    • Generate backups or create e-Way Bills without interrupting your workflow.

6. Task Manager:

  • View and manage active tasks in TallyPrime using Alt+K (Task Manager).
  • Monitor progress, pause or resume tasks, and troubleshoot any issues.

7. Multi-User Access:

  • Enable multiple users to work simultaneously on different tasks within the same company data, improving collaboration and efficiency.

Additional Tips while Multitasking in TallyPrime:

1. Split Screen:

Use a split-screen feature on your operating system to view multiple TallyPrime windows side-by-side for better comparison and analysis.

2. Customize Shortcuts:

Create custom shortcut keys for frequently used actions to further streamline your workflow.

3. Prioritize Tasks:

Organize your tasks and switch between them effectively to maximize productivity.

By leveraging these multitasking features, you can enhance your efficiency and streamline your work processes in TallyPrime, saving time and effort.


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